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Q: What does it mean overall effectiveness?
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How control improve overall efficiency and effectiveness?

one of the functions of the A/S is to provide adequate controls to ensure the safety of organizational assets,including data discuss how well the control can improve efficiency and effectiveness.

Effectiveness and efficiency measure by what?

Effectiveness measures if the desired outcome is achieved, while efficiency measures how well resources are used to achieve that outcome. Effectiveness focuses on doing the right things, while efficiency focuses on doing things right. Both are important for assessing the overall performance of an organization or process.

What does the term effectiveness mean to management and employees in an organization?

The term effectiveness refers to how well a manager or an employee does their job. The more effective they are, the more work they will get done.

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What does consultant editor mean?

A consultant editor is an individual hired on a temporary or project basis to provide expertise and guidance on editing processes, content, and overall quality of written materials. They may offer recommendations, revisions, and feedback to improve the clarity, coherence, and effectiveness of the content.

How would you rate the overall effectiveness of the Articles of Confederation?

the aoc were ineffective. they gave too much power to the states.

What does effectiveness mean in terms of the principles of arete?

Living up to one's full potential.