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Whoever answered this question with "You probably have a disease. Probably AIDS or HIV. Because the normal range for white blood cells 5,000 to 9,000. Well, you're screwed. lol." is a moron.

A high WBC does indicate that there is a disease or bacteria that you are fighting, as white blood cells increase whenever there is an infection present, such as pneumonia, appendicitis, gall stones, and certains types of cancers.

It would be wise for you to see your Primary Care Physician as soon as possible. Also, if you are taking any medications - both prescribed and OTC - along with any odd symptoms that you may have been experiencing lately, document these and take the list with you to your next Doctor's appointment.

Good luck, and good health!

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

I have my blood counts taken all the time because i have cancer. The normal range for white blood cells is typically 4.5 to 10. I had a 3.7 for a very long time and my doctors didn't seem to think there was a problem. A year later I was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma. However, it could just mean you have an infection, or you are normally on the low end. I would recommend getting further testing to make sure. I wish I would have a long time ago. I have my blood counts taken all the time because i have cancer. The normal range for white blood cells is typically 4.5 to 10. I had a 3.7 for a very long time and my doctors didn't seem to think there was a problem. A year later I was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma. However, it could just mean you have an infection, or you are normally on the low end. I would recommend getting further testing to make sure. I wish I would have a long time ago.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Your white blood cell count is not 18, when your doctor said it was 18 they meant 18,000. A normal white blood cell count is anywhere from 4,000 up to 10,000 so this means you have a high white blood cell count.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

Infection! Speaking as an ICU nurse, a WBC of 21 (which is high) indicates that there is some sort of inflammatory/infection process going on somewhere in your body. It could be as simple as a urinary tract infection or something more serious. Follow up is needed.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

A lot of things can increase the white blood cell count. Most commonly it means you have an infection of some kind but there are other things like some drugs, many physical stresses/ illnesses, and cancer.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

Yes it is very high. Normal is 4-11. Mine is 13.3 at the moment but that is because I am pregnant. 18 is very high and I would be going to the doctor about that!

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βˆ™ 12y ago

A white blood cell count of 20 indicates sepsis (infection.)

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βˆ™ 14y ago

High allergic condition/infection.

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