There are many slang terms for sexual innuendos. A person being tight or loose refers to the idea that a woman's vagina can be tight or loose.
loose, or open "that jar isn't tight enough, its loose." or "he had a tight grip, but her hand had a loose grip."
When something is not fully on, or not tight, and can fall off of something easily.
The noun form for the adjective 'tight' is tightness.A related noun form is tights, an uncountable noun with no singular form; a word for a type tight fitting clothing.
u want them more tight than loose
loose when its around your finger but tight when you pull it :)
I think it refers to the loose skin under your chin/neck that most of us get as we age. Meaning it's tight and not loose.
Tie him tight, but not so tight that if you needed to get him loose you couldn't.
A tight pack is were they are on there side and a loose pack is where they are not on there side. :)
it means that your cool and he likes you thats not what it meant in my day!!! It means that you are stingy with money. It means that vaginally-speaking, you are not "loose" Tight used to mean "drunk" Loose used to mean 'drunk' as well.
As long as it isn't tight enough to give you a headache a tight helmet is better than a loose one.
It all depends on the guy. Some prefer them tight, others prefer them loose.
loose not tight