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nothing, your just naturally heavy! dont worry, its more common than you think! :)

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Q: What does it mean if your period flow is really heavy?
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What does having a heavy period mean?

A lot LOT of blood from your period. Not too much but I Jace heavy flows during the middle of my period. A heavy flow is when more blood comes in your period than a normal flow. Don't worry. I have aheavy flow right now.

A word for heavy menstrual period?

The medical term to mean a heavy period is Menorragia.Menorragia is when the menstrual flow is over 80ml, although this is still fairly light compared to many people's menstrual flow. If you're leaking through ultra tampons or maxi pads within an hour then talk to your doctor to check everything is okay and get Tranexamic Acid to reduce flow, also consider a menstrual cup which hols more flow and can even lighten your flow too.

What does it mean when you have not had a regular period for a year and now you have one and its really heavy and has lasted longer?

It means you need to see a doctor, woman.

Is there anything else for a girl on her period to do for her not to leak?

Assuming you mean leak as in NOT swimming. If the flow (heaviness) is really heavy, you could either wear overnight pads, tampons and pads or 2 pads. You could also wear two pairs of underwear, so if you do start to leak, you'll feel it and have time to save yourself. It really is up to the woman to decided how she will deal with her period.

What is it mean if your period started light and brownish the first day but then got really heavy and red with clots?

This is completely normal, don't worry about a thing.

What does it mean when a girl starts her period a week late and then bleeds heavily?

It means that her period was a week later than predicted and her flow is heavy. It means nothing more than that, there's no mystery here: it's just a late period, no reason to think otherwise.

What does it mean When someone's heart is heavy on you?

it means that they really like you. EX: "i heard that Danielle's heart is really heavy on you."

If period can on heavy 2 days then go off light in the third do that mean your pregnant?

No, experiencing heavy flow for 2 days followed by light flow on the third day does not necessarily indicate pregnancy. Changes in menstrual flow can be influenced by various factors such as hormonal fluctuations, stress, diet, or changes in exercise routine. If you suspect pregnancy, consider taking a pregnancy test for confirmation.

What does rhia mean?

Really Heavy Indian American

What does it mean when you bleed heavy for 7 days?

Nothing. You are just having a period.

If your periods are usually heavy but they are going lighter does this mean that you are coming to the end of your period?

If you mean the cycle of one period, then yes it usually does. If you mean the end of the period all together, then no, not unless you are quite old

What does it mean if your period is three days late and is watery and very dark and heavy?
