When a boy lends a girl his jacket it means they are friends and she was most likely cold.
not necessarily, but its possible :) does she smile around you while fixing the jacket? she must have some sort of affection...
It depends who the girl is. If its a girl he likes, than yes he loves for them to wear his jacket. But if its someone who he can't stand, or isn't in to... Than he probably wouldn't mind, but it really doesn't mean anything to him.
I can think of several reasons why a girl might not wish to take your jacket when you have offered it. Perhaps she doesn't feel cold. Perhaps she feels that you will be cold without your jacket and you need it more than she does. Perhaps she does not wish to encourage you to think that you have a relationship with her. Perhaps the color of your jacket clashes with the color of her hair.
It could mean that they are wondering if you have asked another girl because they want to go with you and im a girl so this is what im thinking.
It could mean anything... What does it mean when you walk with your friends? Lol.
It either means that she is gay or she is trying to be sexy.
Do you mean a lesbian? A lesbian is a woman(or girl) who likes another woman(or girl!).
that is stupid, but it means that the girl is jealous that you are looking at another girl's foot and not her own... at least its only a foot
To shift a boy or a girl means to move onto another boy or girl.
It is another word for Lady/Girl.
Rubbing your vagina with another girl
it doesnt mean anything your just having fun