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Yes, it does sound as though you have problems, and the best way to start sorting them is with a visit to a doctor.

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Q: What does it mean if you have had your period every 2 weeks for the last 2 months you usually have a 28 day cycle and it last for 7 days Now its every 2 weeks for about 4 days is there something wrong?
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If a girl does not usually have a normal cycle how late should her period be before it is likely that shes pregnant?

I have PCOS so I usually getmy period every 3 to 4 months. My Dr. put me on Provera tomake me get a period and then he put me on Chlomid to make me ovulate. He had me count my cycle days as if it's a normal 28 days and wants me to wait 2 weeks after my missed cycle to test.

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When a dog has their "period", it is called a heat cycle. Bigger breed dogs, such as a Golden Retriever, usually do not have their first heat cycle under 12 months of age. Though 16 months old is not common, some Goldens can wait until 18 months before having their first one. Here is an article about Golden Retriever's and their heat cycle:

Can the month February affect your period cycle?

No, months have no effect on your menstrual cycles.

Is it normal to miss your next period or have an irregular cycle after stopping taking the pill?

Yes this is normal. Your period should return to a normal cycle within 3 months.

Your cycle usually comes after 28 days but for the past 3 months your cycle comes after 25 days and lasts for 6 days does that mean you are not having normal periods?

A period cycle is not set and stone and can change without warning, to be sure of your health you should check with your doctor. You may have a medical history you do not mention which could affect your period and body.

Is it ok to not get your period for 3 months?

No, it's not okay not to get your period for three months. Your menstrual cycle is a good indicator of your overall health, although irregular or abscent menstruation may be normal at certain times in your life such as during puberty, going this long without a cycle may be an indicator that something is wrong. If you go over three months without a period you should talk to your doctor to investigate the cause.

Can you be pregnant on 12th day of cycle?

Maybe if your cycle been on that long or maybe because your cycle haven't been on in a couple off months that have something to do with it ..

Where in you cycle do you begin taking birth control pills?

The first pill is taken on the first day of your period.

You just started your period 4 months ago and this month you have had it for seventeen days so far How long until your period lasts fewer days?

Well after 17 days it is best to go to your physician but your menstrual cycle usually starts 28 days AFTER your last period

You already have a kid she is 6 months old you are not back into your menstrual cycle what could it be?

Not being back on your normal menstrual cycle six months after having a child is normal. It usually takes a year or so for a female's body to get back into a regular cycle after childbirth. It also depends on if the mother is nursing her child. This also delays the body's cycle, and could continue to delay a woman's period for as long as she breastfeeds on demand.

How do you measure the period of the wave?

To measure the period of a wave, you need to identify one complete cycle of the wave and then measure the time it takes for that cycle to repeat. This time interval represents the period of the wave, usually measured in seconds per cycle.

How soon after a miscarriage can you try to get pregnant-?

usually it takes a cycle