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It means that you think that they are sloppy or dirty. Sometimes it is just used in general for rudeness or slovenly behavior.

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Q: What does it mean if you call someone a pig?
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What does it mean when you call someone a swine?

When someone is callinq you a swine their basically calling you a pig.

When we say someone is a pig we mean what?

Calling someone a "pig" is often used as an insult to suggest that they are messy, unclean, or gluttonous. It can also imply that they are greedy or uncouth in their behavior.

What Does As fat as a pig mean?

pigs are fat and greedy so if you call someone a pig you are calling them fat and greedy mostly greedt though. i hoped i helped

When we say someone is a pig what does that really mean?

To call someone a pig is often used as an insult to suggest they are greedy, messy, or behaving in an uncivilized manner. It can imply that the person is acting in a selfish or disrespectful way.

What does oink mean?

If someone were to call someone an oink oink, I would say they were calling them a pig. Obviously.

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What do you call someone who makes a pig of themselves?

human pig in stead of human being i guess, i dont relly know.

What does it mean when a guinea pig futters?

it depends on what you call it really it means when a guinea pig jumps on four feet some people call it popcorn

What does it mean when someone is pig?

It means they act like a pig (sloppy messes, eating fast etc)

What do you call someone who doesnt eat pig?

jewish.... or a vegetarian... or a vegan

What does mean can a hot bath really call someone?

No it can't call someone

Can a hot bath really call someone what does this mean?

No it can't call someone