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Clearly your best female friend is jealous!

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Q: What does it mean if you ask a girl out she's not nice about it then your best female friend keeps saying she wants revenge on the girl you asked out as she can't get over how or why she was mean?
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Why did your best friend asked whether you like her more than a friend?

Since your female friend asked you if you like her more than a best friend it is probably because she has more romantic feelings towards you. It is not that uncommon for two people of the opposite sex who start out as friends to end up lovers.

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Easy! Me, as a lesbian, loved it when my brother told me my female friend was into me. All he said was "Erm... Courtney kinda likes you, And she kinda asked me to ask you to ask you out!" I said yes, Obviously but... Yeah!

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cheer her up. Darth Vader

How do you break your friend up with her boyfriend i like this guy and my friend new that then she asked him out im getting revenge?

You don't! What an appalling thing to contemplate. WikiAnswers will not EVER help with such things. You should seek some advice on morality and ethics.

If your friend asked the guy you like if he likes you and he says I don't know and then later he tells her yes is that a good thing?

YEAH! it's better then em saying no, right?

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You don't. Just ignore it and pretty soon your crush will find out that you are worth it.(:

Why does achilles for a truce?

Achilles asked for a truce to mourn the death of his companion Patroclus and prepare for his revenge against Hector, the warrior who killed Patroclus. This allowed him time to grieve, honor his friend, and focus on the upcoming battle.

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The correct punctuation for the sentence "I asked my friend, 'When is your birthday?'" is to add a comma after "friend" and use single quotation marks around the quoted question.

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If you asked a friend yesterday if they had a book and he replied yes I got, he may of said this instead of have because he didn't care about his correct grammar.

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Its "what are you trying to insinuate?" what you asked is like saying "what are you trying to saying?"

If a female friend of a friend asked the guy you like and are exclusive to play tennis with her on a regular basis....should you worry?

just tell her to slow it down and let him ask one of you out who ever he picks he should be with i am a girl and that's what i would do

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