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You're most likely cramping.

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Q: What does it mean if you are due to get your period in a few days but you feel pressure in your lower stomach?
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There is ALWAYS a chance that you can get pregnant after engaging in intercourse ...

How long before your period do you have stomach cramps?

Two to three days.

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You had stomach pains for two days then lots of blood what does this mean?

You are having a period

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Haven't Started

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The gestation period of the lioness is normally 105-110 days.

Could be pregnant if lower abdomen pains after iui?

aug22 my first iui done.after iui 2days higher stomach pain for me.and another days stomach pain is low.and then slightly lower stomach pain for me.what are the symptoms for this is?pls answered for me?

I am 13 years old and I have had stomach cramps for about 4 days now is this a sign my period returning I also have been constipated since my stomach cramps are these normal signs of period starting?

Doctors are clever, ask them.

Does your stomach hurt before you get your first period?

The pain is called cramps, as the muscles contract to get the period blood and tisues out of your body. This can happen a few days before your period. For some girls, cramping enver occurs at all. Others have cramps only when they actually get their period, too.

What does it mean if you are 11 and you get cramps under your stomach for 3 days could that mean that your getting your period?

yeah possibly.

Im on my period and my lower stomach hurts and im kinda bloated and you had protected sex like about a month ago are there any high chances of you being pregnant or is it just you being paranoid?

If you are on your period and it lasts for the normal amount of days and with the normal flow that you usually have, you are more than likely not pregnant. You do not have a period while you are pregnant. Spot bleeding may occur during pregnancy but it is usually not a flow like a normal period and will not occur at the same time and last the same amount of days as a normal period.