what are they saying good luck about?
"Good luck on the show!" ?
"Good luck, you're going to need it."
Or the good luck about, "I'm totally going to get you one of these days.."
"Yeah? Well good luck."
If someone says you have a lucky man on your hands, it means that you are fortunate to have that person in your life. It suggests that the person is special, valuable, or brings good luck to you.
This is a friendly gesture. It means 'good luck'. It is usually followed by the raising of drinking glasses or tea mugs in salute to the person receiving the good luck. For example: 'Doing your exams? Well then the best of British to you lass!'
He says in a whisper good luck where your going
He has strong emotional feelings for you. Congrats and good luck :)
They lost their chance at something good.
it means that you have a banging body or big butt
it is the short version of good night in Catalan
it means your hot, good looking
It means that you are "good looking" and that you are highly noticeable to the public.
It basically means they think that they have a good body.
It means you looked good. Quality.
they dont know their name