It means when someone is messing with your head. As in telling you one thing but really meaning another. Telling you things you want to hear. They are usually liars. If this is a boyfriend/girlfriend you should end it and not look back before you get hurt.
i think their playing mind games with you
First, be sure they are playing mind games. Some people are just shy, may stutter, be confused because they are trying hard to impress you and it may appear they are playing mind games. If you are certain they are, then communicate the fact you don't like it! If the person avoids your comment by saying they are not playing mind games and you feel like you are on a roller coaster with this person then tell them to hit the bricks! Communication is the key factor in a successful relationship.
Mum says if you are uncomfortable end the relationship.
Yes, playing mind games is definitely flirting but just be careful because it could backfire.
That means that you should drop him, as he seems to be playing mind games.
Playing games is one of the best ways to spend your free time and refresh your mind. There are many other benefits of playing games.
Playing games is one of the best ways to spend your free time and refresh your mind. There are many other benefits of playing games.
I've been in a similar situation with a girlfriend of mine. The best solution is to confront him on this and see where the conversation takes you two. He's just playing you if he's doing mind games. So he's just being a player.
"Let me be honest with you"
well he may not be flirting with you that's just the way some guys are sometimes and you may not understand it
Having been married for decades and being the father of a beautiful 14 year old girl, I have managed to learn one thing about girls. If they are awake, they are playing a mind game somewhere! Just ignore it and enjoy! Yes, and girls often play mind games with themselves as well. These can be the most confusing mind games of all.
He is playing mind games on you, or maybe he wants to ask you at the right time.