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Q: What does it mean if a person is considered to be in the neutral zone of the wellness continuum?
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What is a health continnum?

a health continuum is represented by a line extending indefinitely on both sides. a person is said to be in good health or in the optimal level of functioning if he is in the left side of that line. however, when a person is on the right side of the line, he is said to be in bad health. the goal therefore is for a person to be able to maintain his health so that he remains on the wellness side of the continuum. this model of health is widely used in all health-related studies.

What is a continnum?

a health continuum is represented by a line extending indefinitely on both sides. a person is said to be in good health or in the optimal level of functioning if he is in the left side of that line. however, when a person is on the right side of the line, he is said to be in bad health. the goal therefore is for a person to be able to maintain his health so that he remains on the wellness side of the continuum. this model of health is widely used in all health-related studies.

What does mental health continuum mean?

Health Continuum----it is like a scale where you can find an ideal way of wellness and on the other hand you can find the worst way to handle your life and you can find a middle point where you might see what is wrong and what can you improve to your health.

What are the extremes of the health continuum?

Anthony oli** is the best person in the world.................................

Which characteristic is a sign of wellness?

There are many signs of wellness in a human being. Having energy, being happy, and having clear skin are all signs of wellness.

Definition of neutral?

Neutral refers to the central point of measurement. Eg. If pH is considered the pH 7.0 is considered neutral In the case of decision making if a person is neither not for nor for then he is said to be neutral.

How would you describwe a person at the midpoint of the helth continuum?

neither ill or perfectly well

Explain the difference between wellness and health?

There are many similarities between health and wellness to choose from. One such similarity is that they both represent the overall state of the individual

Is heir feminin or masculine?

The word "heir" is typically considered gender-neutral, as it refers to a person who inherits something, regardless of their gender.

How would you describe a person at the midpoint of health continuum?

Neither ill nor perfectly well

What is a wellness model of care in relation to a person with a disability?

The wellness model of care re: disabilities has an emphasis on dignity and holistic care. It provides sructure,when caring for people with disabilities.

What is wellness?

Wellness is the absence of illness and control of existing conditions or diseases.