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Maybe it is that the guy is good friends with the girl. Either that or he likes her.

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Q: What does it mean if a guy takes a blame on himself when it was clearly the girl's fault?
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Blame It on the Girls was created in 2008.

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MIKA released it on February 15, 2010.

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Unfortunately miscarriages are a fact of life. They happen. Usually no one is at fault. Do not blame yourself if something like this happens and do not blame your partner. Now is when you will both need to support each other the most. Depending on how far along the pregnancy was, the age and health of the girl, there are hundreds of reasons why someone might miscarry. I would suggest that you talk to a medical professional if you feel you need a more detailed answer. I would also suggest a grief counsellor to help you deal with the loss and the emotional issues surrounding it

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It's clearly Buttercup from The Powerpuff Girls

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