He's probably got a crush on you
It can mean a variety of things, but most of all it means that the guy feels comfortable enough around you to get closer to you.also it means hes ok with you and he really likes you or maybe hes tired.
Putting his head in a girl's lap can be a sign of intimacy, trust, and comfort. It may indicate a desire for closeness or a need for emotional support.
When a guy falls on your lap on purpose, he is most likely trying to get your attention. He may even have a crush on you.
A common situation where a dog puts its head on your lap is when it wants to show affection or seek comfort. This gesture is a way for the dog to bond with you and feel close to you. It can be a sign of trust and a desire for attention and connection.
If you mean lap in a sporting sense, the German word is Runde. If you mean the lap of a person, then the German word is Schoß
you sit on his lap and talk sexy
Snuggle with him. If he accepts that, move into his lap. If he is sitting, you can smile at him and sit on his lap. If you want to play it safe, then ask him while smiling.
She probably feels pressured or uncomfortable about sitting there because she isn't ready to have sex.
Yes, if he says it seriously. If he says it sarcastically, he is just being a wise guy. Don't do it if he says it sarcastically because he will make fun of you even more.
i think you mean phar lap