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She is probably very frigid and doesn't value close relationships.

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Q: What does it mean if I break up with your boyfriend because you can't get emotionally close to anyone?
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Why do people break down emotionally?

Because some people try to hold their emotions in and eventually they break down, i am a whitness to this.

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Wait, so you want someone to break up with their boyfriend for you? ok...umm...there has to be a reason to break up first i guess. I agree with the person above me. If the girl wants to break up with her boyfriend, she will. She's not going to do it just because you don't want them to go out.

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No, you should not ask anyone out who already has a boyfriend or girlfriend. If they break up, you could ask the person out.

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That's really messed up of your parents to make you break up with your boyfriend. I wouldn't do that if I were you. Don't let them control your life.

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Yes no...but they might break up because she likes robbert pattinson

Should you break up with your boyfriend because you are pregnant?

No, if possible your boyfriend (as the father) needs to be involved in bringing up the baby.

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no she did not break up with her boyfriend.