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An ejaculation without an orgasm does not feel like much at all. However ejaculations areusually accompanied by an orgasm and when that happens it is a feeling that is great, the problem is that it is impossible to describe it has to be experienced. It is like trying to describe a colour to a blind man.

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15y ago
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7y ago

imagine a sneeze down there, but it builds up longer, flows smoother, pumps more than once, and isn't rough like a sneeze is on your throat. Feels 100 times better and satisfying and then you feel all silky warm and fuzzy all over. you also get a tingly feeling right before and while ejaculating, overall it feels almost as good as sex, if nolt better.
Hard to describe most guys will get a warm feeling and it just shoots out

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13y ago

I just had it last night it felt greeaaatt if your going in and out fast many times you will the feeling when ejaculating, well stop when u get that feeling cuz u dont want to have sex anymore at that moment

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13y ago

its like a very tingling sensation at the tip of your penis and it goes mostly throughout your penis and genatile area. maybe your stomach,but that's it. very breif also

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10y ago

You don't really feel the ejaculation if the penis is in the vagina. However, if you are giving a blow job it is just like water shooting at you.

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13y ago

It feels awesome.

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Q: What does it feel like to be ejaculated inside of?
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Bleach usually works.

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Not unless you had no barrier when you ejaculated into her. If you had the condom on and ejaculated into the condom while you were inside of her, then exited her and changed condoms (unless the condom broke) you could not get her pregnant. The only way for her to get pregnant is if you ejaculated into her or emptied your fluids into her (and most condoms have spermicide). If neither are the case, it is nearly 0% chance that she could get pregnant.

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There is no risk of fertilization, since men do not have an uterus. You partner cannot get pregnant even if you ejaculated inside him wherever the place.

what a kiss feel like?

Its like heaven but not as great. you will feel all tingly inside and you will feel joy if there was fireworks but if its not meant to be you will feel nothing.

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be big things feel good inside of them because big things feel good inside of them

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it is a good chance but i would check with a doctor.

What does your vagina feel and looks like from inside your body?

it look like your face

Where were the terrorists from?

Terrorists are from female vagina they were produced because they accidently ejaculated inside a vagina and TA DA.