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I think you mean "infatuated." Infatuation is a near-obsessive romantic fascination with another person. A person can be infatuated with someone they've never even met! Infatuations usually fade after a while.

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Q: What does infactuated mean?
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You might be wanting to see if you stand a chance now with your old infactuation. You may want to give it a try with them, remembering how it felt back then when you were infactuated with them. You might also be feeling unsure about your marrage to the person you are with and be questioning your love for them.

Im dying to tell someone you love them but you want to take it slowly is this right?

If you mean to say YOU are dying to tell someone YOU love them, yes, going slow is a good idea, (unless it's your mom, or dad or someone in your family. You should tell them you love them every day.) However, if you are infactuated with someone, words aren't always the best way to tell them so. Actions speak louder than words. Think about what you could DO for this person that will make them understand that you really like them.

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What this saying mean is don't let love go for someone that you simply "like" or infactuated by because in the end the one you leave your love for one day might decide to leave you for the person that they love. To like a person is one thing but true love is forever & you can never separate what is true love so be careful. You won't be the only person on earth to be in love so just as you have someone you hold in such high reguards so does the guy/girl that you "like"

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Talk to her. Do you love her? Are you definitely sure she is in love with you? (Don't get afraid of commitment issues - she may be infactuated) Sit her down at your place, or hers. (Hard subject to tackle in a public place). Ask her where this relationship is going. Tell her how much you care - DON'T lie, you'll just break her heart. Be honest, but don't be stupid. e.g. don't tell her you've had an affair in the past, or back-stabbed etc. remember her back could hurt your knife. Good Luck! I hope it all workls out!

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you mean what you mean

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The arithmetic mean is a weighted mean where each observation is given the same weight.

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The correct usage is "what DOES it mean"

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Do you mean ''What does the AUM Mantra mean?''