peri-, the prefix, means surrounding or around and hilar means pertaining to a depression or pit on an organ, giving entrance and exit to vessels and nerves.
The perihilar areas refer to the region around the hila of the lungs, where the main bronchi, blood vessels, and lymphatics enter and exit the lungs. These areas are important for the circulation and drainage of air and fluids within the lungs. Changes in the perihilar areas can indicate certain lung diseases or conditions.
Bronchovascular Markings These comprise of 98 % vessels, mainly veins. Respiratory passages are not visible as these contain air. Normal shadows start from hila pass through proximal 1/3rd traverse to middle 1/3rd and just reach the border of distal third. Normaly markings are greatest in the medial part of lower zone. To say whether increased or not basically, in the opinion of Dr Tarar, it is an eyeball technique. With the experience your start saying this is increased or this is normal. Increased Markings This always means either Infection in respiratory passages or fluid overload. Infection may be acute or chronic. If radiologist reports increased bronchovascular markings but clinical situation is not supporting any thing it can be ignored and film should be taken as normal. In cardiac failure cases so called reversal of pattern of markings occur. There is increase in markings in midzones due to fluid overload. Actually this is not reversal. This is only increase in midzones. In chronic bronchitis markings are increased. In emphysema these are decreased in hyperinflated areas. In collapse of the lungs beyond the line-demarcating lung, these must be absent. Source:
my daugther chest xray found that her chest xray results that there are densities in the perihilar areas with some nodular densities within. and it consider a primary koch's infection
probably proof markings
It is inflammation of the perihilum (area around the hilum, a section of the lungs next to the heart, where the blood vessels enter). It may or may not be caused by pneumonia.
Bronchovascular markings mean that you have an airway infection or a venous fluid overload.
Just my kind
The markings on any military aircraft denote it's country and often it's squadron or wing.
Noble Vitiligo clinic
Bronchovascular markings refer to the normal pattern of blood vessels and airways that are visible on a chest X-ray. These markings represent the branching pattern of the bronchi and blood vessels in the lungs, and are typically seen in healthy individuals. Any abnormalities in the bronchovascular markings may indicate an underlying respiratory condition.
ususallly the markings mean the amount like advil will usually 400 or 200 mg so that you know how much your taking