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Q: What does imbalance of power mean?
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When there is an imbalance of power you have a "do nothing" Congress.

What is imbalance of power?

when one thing/person has or gains more power than it/they should have. For example, the three branched of government, if one branch has more power than the other two that is an imbalance of power.

What is power imbalance?

when one thing/person has or gains more power than it/they should have. For example, the three branched of government, if one branch has more power than the other two that is an imbalance of power.

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What are the factors that create an imbalance of power within a culture?

The imbalance of one goup over another (more of one then the other).

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What does the word imbalance mean?

Imbalance is the state of not being equal. One context could be a 'hormone imbalance'. This would be when hormones in the body are at levels other than what they are supposed to be at, and this can cause anything from emotional distress to physical discomfort. A nutrient imbalance could be that you are getting too much protein and not enough fat in your diet.

Is economic imbalance is better than nuclear imbalance?

is economic imbalance is better than nuclear imbalance

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What will happen if power is not shared equally in government?

If power is not shared equally in government some branches will wield more power and influence than others, which results in imbalance that threatens stability