i would say that means the personal loves you platonically, that is, without any romantic or sexual feelings.
Gerard Way has identified himself as heterosexual, meaning he is romantically and sexually attracted to people of the opposite gender.
Sending love your way what mean???
Heterosexual boys are probably born that way. Their sexual orientation is fixed very early, probably in the womb. Much in the same way as homosexual boys.
no way
Pete cant be in love with Patrick because Pete has a wife and if he was gay he wouldn't have had a baby with Ashlee Simpson or married her in the first place. But Pete and Patrick love each other, just in a total heterosexual and best friend way.
Well I think you should tell the m that you mean you love them not in some corny way either
Follow the way of love!
Lol no way
No. No Way.
Most of the time yes. Just look at him and listen to the way he says it.
They are not mean. That is a brothers way of showing love to you. Love him back :) not mine he truly hates me
Lindsey Way, better known as Lyn-Z, is heterosexual.