If you are that curious you just might end up with herpes on your tongue ;)
No, they do not taste like chicken. They most likey taste like blood vessels.
No. Herpes are caused by a virus which is contagious. Boils are caused by other germs, and they are not contagious.
Yams taste like whatever your taste buds say it tastes like.
How bad is the herpes - if it is genital herpes then you should really tell him now. Lighter cases of herpes (Like cold sores) don't need to be talked about ?
The worst thing about herpes is the pain from the blisters.
taste like beef
it taste like metal
Taste like Stars!
It taste's like a toffee flavor. If you get chocolate, it taste like chocolate toffee. If you get caramel, it will taste like caramel toffee.
Lactulose has an overly sweet taste but does not taste like coconut.
If it goes away it could be from a bite like a blood blister. It could also be an amalgam tattoo this is permanent.
they taste like apple