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Q: What does he who eats too much will not be able to sleep mean?
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A panda is much like a sloth. Moves slow eats a lot and sleep's

What time should a teen go to sleep?

A teenager needs 8 1/2 to 9 hours sleep a night to be able to function at their peak so they should go to sleep at a time that allows them to get that much sleep.

What does it mean if you do not eat or sleep much?

It depends what you mean, if you mean you can't get enough sleep or you just can't eat then I would say that you should go to a doctor, but if you mean that you just don't eat enough and sleep enough, then I would try eating smaller meals and more meals and trying to make yourself tired when you go to sleep.

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It depends how much you feed them and if you let them sleep

What are the effects of doing too much homework?

firstly, most important is that you wont get much sleep and the next day you wouldn't be able to concentrate well. secondly, you will stress so much, you wont be able to go out.

What do you call someone who suffers from insomnia?

Nothing You Just Want Be Able Too Sleep Much AS You Would Like

Is it better to get 8 or 9 hours of sleep if you are a teenager?

When your a teenager you need as much sleep as you can get, because you will be more alert during the day and you will be able to think clearer. You need to get as much sleep as you can :) Kautilya-I agree.But actually it depends,if u are exhausted,let your body rest as much as it wants.But usually for every teenager,8 hours of sleep is very necessary.

How do you have the baby on babyz on the ds go to sleep?

They won't sleep unless they're tired. if you want to be able to make them tired, and do much more, download petza from Sherlock software.

What to give to cat WHO EATS all the time but does not gain weight?

If your cat eats so much but does not gain weight it may mean that your cat is diabetic and should be taken to a veterinarian.

How much sleep 12 year old need?

You need about 8 to 10 hours of sleep to be able to control your emotions. If you don't get this amount you will most likely get punished for being such a crankpot.

Why cant you wake up during the day no matter how much you are able to sleep at night?

Honestly, it has a lot to do with how well you sleep. Some people can get well rested sleep and they only have to sleep for five hours a night. You should Google how to get a more rested sleep and there are things you can eat before bed to help you

What is the disease round worm?

If you mean ring WORM then it is a parasiten so something that pretty much eats what or who its in from the inside.