Just because you are 15 years old does not mean you have to have a boyfriend. A 15 year old should be worried more about school.
wow do you mean 10 years old? or like a 10 as in good looking? if you are good looking then they will come to you, if you mean 10 years old you are WAAAY to young for a boyfriend! wait until like 7th grade.
Do you mean the Boyfriend music video or the Girlfriend fragrance video? He was 18 years old.
Yes , I mean they are already having a baby so what else can they do ?
Miley was about 10 years old when she had her first boyfriend.
You still have feelings for your old boyfriend.
yah way to big of a difference i am sorry but it is :(
you were thinking of being close and peaceful with having a family fulfilment.
Three years old.
You have to be 18 years old.
you dont
You don't.