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Q: What does gaining immunity mean?
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What are the types of immunity?

The three types of immunity is innate immunity, adaptive immunity, and passive immunity.

Definition of tort immunity?

There are three special cases of immunity from tort liability. They are intrafamily immunity, governmental immunity, and charitable immunity. Intrafamily immunity is immunity from a tort action brought by an immediate family member. Governmental immunity is immunity of a governmental agency from a tort action. Charitable immunity is immunity of a charitable organization from a tort action.

What does salvation mean in simple words?

Immunity to the so called wrath of god.

What does it mean to grant immunity?

It means Someone been granted to be "immune" from punishment

What does passive immunity mean?

its when immunity is passed on. e.g. colostrum (which boosts the babies immune system) in the mothers milk is drunk by the baby. when the baby drinks the milk it will get colostrum, which you would say is immunity because it greatly helps the immune system.

What is the difference between Sovereign immunity qualified charitable interspousal immunity?

explain the difference between sovereign immunity qualified immunity charitable immunity and interspousal immunity?

Is Acquired Immunity the same as Humoral Immunity?

Actually acquired immunity consists of "humoral immunity" and "cell mediated immunity. Acquired immunity is the same with adaptive immunity, it is when the antibodies are produced within the bodies after the exposure of pathogen. Humoral immunity secreted antibodies while cell mediated immunity involves in production of T lymphocytes.

What does the word vaccinate mean?

To inoculate with a vaccine to provide immunity to a corresponding infectious disease

What are two kinds of immunity?

active acquired immunity and passive acquired immunity