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they started fu kkin other women a little less

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Q: What does evidence for evolutionary relationships include?
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Biochemical analysts use similarities in what as evidence for evolutionary relationships?

Biochemical analysis uses similarities in DNA, amino acid sequences, as evidence for evolutionary relationships

Is a type of evidence used by scientists to determine evolutionary relationships?

The evidence do scientist use to determine evolutionary relationships by scientist have combined the evidence from DNA, protein structure, fossils, early development, and body structure to determine the evolutionary relationship amoung species.

Explain why the homologous structures in Part 1 are evidence of evolutionary relationships?

Homologous structures are the remnants of structures long ago that have evolved into other things now. This is why they are evidence of evolutionary relationships.

Biochemical analysis uses similarities in as evidence for evolutionary relationships.?

DNA sequences .

The number and structure of what can help to determine evolutionary relationships between species?

The number and structure of chromosomes help determine evolutionary relationships between species. Chromosome comparison helps to provide evidence of the relationships in a species.

Scientists determine evolutionary relationships between animal phyla using evidence from the?

Fossil record

How has molecular evidence affected our understanding of modern evolutionary theory?

It largely supports anatomical evidence and provides more detailed information for specific relationships

Which type of evidence for evolution is most accurate in determining evolutionary relationships-morphology or molecular?

You could never get any type of evidence to prove untrue things...

What is the similarity among the blood proteins of all mammals may be taken as evidence for evolutionary relationships based upon?

Comparative anatomy

What are 3 pieces of evidence that scientists combine to determine evolutionary relationships among species?

Genetic features, morphological features and behavioural features.

Where can clues in the evolutionary relationships of animals be found?

Clues can be found out about the evolutionary relationships of animals by studying fossil records.

What is taxonomy based on?

Taxonomy is the science of classifying and naming organisms based on their characteristics and evolutionary relationships. It helps to organize and categorize living organisms into groups that reflect their genetic and morphological similarities.