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A disease process that causes some form of destruction of bone.

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Q: What does destructive osseous pathology mean?
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What is chronic osseous pathology?

Chronic osseous pathology is long-standing disease of the bone tissue.

What is osseous pathology?

Osseous pathology refers to the study and diagnosis of diseases and abnormalities affecting bones. This can include conditions such as fractures, infections, tumors, and metabolic disorders that impact the structure and function of bones in the body. Osseous pathology plays a crucial role in understanding and treating bone-related health issues.

What does No aggressive osseous lesion mean?

"No aggressive osseous lesion" means that there is no evidence of any rapidly growing or destructive bone abnormalities on imaging studies such as X-rays or CT scans. It suggests that there are no concerning indicators of aggressive bone disease or malignancy.

What does osteopyhte mean?

a small osseous excrescence or outgrowth on bone.

What is the job outlook look for forensic pathology?

do you mean what is it of how good are job openings? no i mean what are the types of jobs for pathology.

What does pathologic mean?

Of or relating to pathology

What is the medical term meaning obscured by overlying osseous structures?

The medical term meaning obscured by overlying osseous structures is "osteopaque" or "osteodense." This refers to an area on medical imaging, such as X-rays or CT scans, where bone tissue blocks or makes it difficult to see underlying structures or pathology.

The technical name for bone tissue is?

Osseous Tissue

What is an osseous contusion?

Osseous means bony and contusion means bruise.

Can you use osseous tissue in a sentence?

Osseous tissue, commonly known as bone tissue, provides structural support and protection for the body.

What does it mean for osseous structures are demineralized?

When osseous structures are demineralized, it means that the minerals (such as calcium and phosphate) that give bone its strength and rigidity have been removed or reduced. Demineralization can lead to weakened bones and increase the risk of fractures. Various conditions, such as osteoporosis or certain diseases, can cause demineralization of osseous structures.

What is the function of osseous tissue?

Osseous tissue is found in bones.