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A custodial relationship is between an adult and a child. It doesn't necessarily have to be the biological parent. For example: it could be a foster parent, it could be through adoption or some other avenue, via consent, causation, gestation or some other means. In other words the custodial relationship is the individual or individuals who are the care takers. Who provide the love, the care and guidance in a parental manner.

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Q: What does custodial relationships mean?
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The person ordered to, which does not necessarily mean the non-custodial parent.AnswerGenerally, the non-custodial parent with some states awarding credit for time spent for visitations.

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Preteen relationships are relationships that are held before the adolescents reach their teenage years (13).

Can you give perrmission to your child to live with grandparents if you are not the custodial parent?

You can give it, but it doesn't mean anything.

Does the custodial mother has the rights to go with child on non-custodial father visitation that ordered by the court?

no, that's custodial interference

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"reimbursed" ... Not clear whether you mean collects welfare or collects child support, but in either case the answer is, the State will not reimburse the NCP.

When child lives full time with non custodial parent does that mean that custodial parent owes child support?

For the state of Tennessee, yes because it depends upon the wages and amount of days spent with each parent.

Can a custodial parent deny the non custodial parent seeing the children outside of the non custodial parent's court appointed times For example Picking up kids to go to park or eat for 2 hours?

Legally the custodial parent can deny visitation outside the court ordered terms. But if custodial issues come before the court again the incident might not look favorable for the custodial parent. To refuse an activity such as noted in the question would appear to be mean spirited unless the request for visitation interferred with the child's/children's school, medical care, extracurricular activity or something similar.

What if you never signed any paperwork in your child custody case?

If a parent does not appear at the custodial hearing he or she will usually lose the right to contest any custodial ruling made by the court, and it is irrelevant whether or not the absentee parent signs any documents. This does not mean that said parent does not have the right to file a suit to have the custodial order amended.