Crepitus is the grinding sensation that can be felt if you place your hand over the knee and flex and extend it.
Crackling in any joint is called crepitus. Medial plica syndrome is one possible cause of crackling in the knee joint.
That cracking sound is the result of crepitus, which is the result of bone on bone movement or bone on ligament movement.
"Genou Droit" in French translates to "Right Knee" in English.
No, it is not.
The cast of Crepitus - 2008 includes: Genevieve Bolla as Pan Iris Godboud as Child
when your leg is removed right below your knee cap
Turbo hustle
A nanny goat ate your knee right off your leg and you didn't even notice. How stoic.
When asking someone to marry you it does not matter if the male kneels on his left or right knee. Generally it is the right knee.
It means the knee is cracked.
Turbo hustle
cuppid shuffle i think