He's an "ear, nose and throat physician", a doctor that, well, cares about your ear/nose/throat area. An otorhinologist is a Doctor Who specialises in ears and noses. It is an ear, nose, and throat physican http://www.Google.ca/search?num=100&hl=en&lr=&safe=off&oi=defmore&defl=en&q=define:Otorhinolaryngology Otorhinolaryngology is the branch of medicine that specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of ear, nose, throat, and head & neck disorders. The full name of the specialty is otolaryngology-head and neck surgery. Practitioners are called otolaryngologists-head and neck surgeons, or sometimes otorhinolaryngologists (ORL). A somewhat outdated, but nevertheless commonly used, term for this specialty is ENT (ear nose and throat). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otorhinolaryngology Called Etymology in the Early 20th century.
Doctors who specialize in this area are called otorhinolaryngologists, otolaryngologists, ENT doctors, ENT surgeons, or head and neck surgeons. Patients seek treatment from an otorhinolaryngologist for diseases of the ear, nose, or throat and for the management of cancers of the head and neck.