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An idemnity clause in health insurance means that a sum is paid by a party to another party by way of compensation for a particular loss suffered by the party receiving payment.

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Q: What does an idemnity clause mean in health insurance?
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What does idemnity mean?

Indemnity is protection against a financial loss. An example would be when a person purchases an insurance policy to protect themselves from large financial losses due to sickness, accidents, or loss of material property.

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Some health insurance plans offer a AD&D Life Insurance Policy. That is why you would name a beneficiary for a health insurance company.

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Indemnity to Principals clause means that the cover is extended to the principal in the event that he/she is sued. This is common for most insurance covers.

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By "Obama Health," I assume you mean, health insurance reform. The government will not be taking over any private insurance provider as a result of health insurance reform.

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If it is health insurance quote. It means Each Employee

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Agile Health Insurance makes it simple to choose, compare & apply online for affordable Health Insurance from leading Health Insurance Companies with ObamaCare options, Short-Term Health & Dental Insurance too

What did health insurance companies pay lobbyists to fight the health care reform bill?

If you mean, "why," one possible reason is that health insurance reform required health insurance companies to spend the money they receive in premiums on, um, actual health care and not excessive overhead such as inflated executive compensation. .

What does the term covered lives mean?

"Covered lives" is a term used by health insurance companies to indicates how many people have health insurance - whether on a particular insurance plan, or in a region, a state, or in the country as a whole.

What does dropping your claim mean when taking about health insurance?

Printing the claim to paper