Adipose tissue is another name for fat. It secretes two important hormones, resisten and leptin. It also secretes the female hormone estrogen.
Adipose tissue is deep to the skin; skin is superficial to adipose tissue. Adipose tissue is fat.
fat tissue or adipose tissue
Yes, adipose tissue is another name for fatty tissue.
Adipose tissue is fat tissue.
According to one of my professors, it is adipose tissue. Blubber.
Yes, adipose tissue is another name for fatty tissue.
Adipose (fat) tissue. Fat can also be deposited in muscle; with a disease such as muscular dystrophy or on organs like the liver with liver damage. There is a type of fat (brown) which exists on or around internal organs, and subcutaneous fat which is underneath the the out layers of skin.
Adipose tissue stores fat in the body. It serves as a vital energy reserve and also plays a role in insulation and cushioning.
Adipose tissue is the connective tissue that stores triglycerides and provides cushioning and support for organs in the body.
It is true that fat tissue is also referred to as adipose tissue. Adipose tissue is a type of connective tissue whose main function is to store lipids.
Leptin is a hormone released by adipose tissue.
No. Adipose tissue is not muscle, it is fat.