I think it means if the wound or injury is throbbing or stinging.
Stabbing pain on the left side of the body near the spleen could indicate a health concern such as spleen inflammation, injury, or infection. It is important to seek medical attention promptly for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Stabbing yourself with a pen can cause pain, bleeding, and potentially an infection if the wound is not properly cleaned and treated. It is important to seek medical attention if the wound is deep or if there are signs of infection.
The medical term for severe burning pain following an injury to a sensory nerve is neuropathic pain. This type of pain is often described as sharp, shooting, or stabbing, and can be challenging to treat effectively.
It may be trigeminal neuralgia, or a dental problem.
Sudden knee pain with no injury
It can, yes. Arthritis pain can be described in many ways, such as stabbing, aching, gnawing, etc.
Do you mean Tic douloureux?? This is also known as trigeminal neuralgia a severe, stabbing pain to one side of the face.
pain, tension, and weakness in a leg after walking has begun, but absence of pain at at rest
swelling of the wound,pus in the wound ,pain,redness
Make a appointment with your doctor ....
herniated disc
I have a liver condition and started to feel stabbing left lower back pain very sharp pains what organ is causing this