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In the US, controlled drugs are placed into one of five categories, called classes (not levels). Class 5 is the least controlled and Class 2 is the most controlled. Class 1 drugs are the most tightly controlled of all, but are different because they are illegal except for research use. Examples of Class 5 would be codeine cough syrups, Class 4, Valium-type tranquilizers, Class 3, hydrocodone meds like Vicodin and some sedatives like butalbital, Class 2, oxycodone, morphine, amphetamine, Ritalin, most barbiturates,

Demerol, Dilaudid, cocaine,and Class 1 would include such drugs as heroin, THC, methamphetamine, ecstacy, LSD, peyote, etc.

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Q: What does a level 2 narcotic mean?
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I don't think there is a drug named libreuman. Did you mean Librium? If so Librium is not a narcotic in the classic sense, though it is classified as a schedule IV narcotic by the DEA. This means that it has a low potential for dependence.

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No. It is a schedule IV.

Is Hydrocodone a Class 2 narcotic?

no but i think will soon be reclassified

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