A gastrologist is treats and diagnose conditions that affect the large intestines, small intestines, the biliary system, the stomach, and the esophagus. Gastrology is a sub-specialty of internal medicine.
A Gastrologist is a doctor who studies and treats the stomach in humans. A Gastroenterologist treats problems in the digestive system.
Physician - Gastroenterology25th%ileMedian75th%ilethe United States$243,995$308,986$385,284 your welcome
Gastroenterologists - I had one for my ulcer
Look in the phonebook, look in an on-line directory, or ask the person in person or by email.
how can a person look objectively
I look at your watch = Present Simple, the 1st person, singular. I am looking at your watch = Present Continuous, the 1st person, singular.
The eyes of a person with autism look the same as the eyes of other people.
there is no exact way for a healthy person to look everyone in the world looks different.
look at a picture of that person.
He is a short person. But he is a good person.
'People' is plural for person 'Look at thoose persons'-is incorrect 'Look at thoose people'-is correct