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Might be best to ask what a real one looks like. They will look different from county to county & state to stae, Call your local court or sherrif's office and ask them to show you one.

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Q: What does a fake court summons look like?
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What does a fake summons look like?

Might be best to ask what a real one looks like. They will look different from county to county & state to stae, Call your local court or sherrif's office and ask them to show you one.

Response to board of condo's summons?

The answer depends on whose summons you have received. If your board has sent you a summons, apparently the board believes that you are in violation of your governing documents. The summons should detail this alleged violation, and further, detail your response options. Otherwise, look in your governing documents and review the process of notification for violations and the form, format and time limit for your response. If however, the summons is from a local court, you need an attorney to respond to the summons.

What does a summons to common pleas court look like?

Believe me! You'll know it when you see one. However, they all appear slightly different, not only from state-to-state but from court system to court system, so there is no way to give you a specific description. Civil summonses are basically the same whether they are issued by a state or federal court. At the very top of the summons will be the name of the issuing court. Such as, District Court Of The United States_____Judicial District or Supreme Court of the State of______County of_____ or Circuit Court for the County of______State of_____ and so on. It will contain the docket and case number, the names of the plaintiff(s) and defendants(s), the date for appearance, the purpose of the summons, the complaint, etc. At the bottom of the summons it will have the signature of the court clerk and sometimes deputy clerk and the official embossed seal of the court. Summonses for jury duty or those issued by an agency such as the IRS are somewhat different, but they all are on official letterheads with all the pertinent information and they all will have official embossed seals of the court and/or government agency. P

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