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heroin does not typically come in pill form. it can be a powder, either loose or in rocks similar to cocaine, ranging in color from white to dark brown, or a sticky black substance known as tar. it is most often packaged in small wax bags or in gel caps.

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15y ago
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14y ago

Sometimes it comes in a clear capsule other times it comes in a blue and clear capsule the top is blue and the bottom is clear. And the heroin is usually a light tan or white color. Sometimes it's darker.

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12y ago

pure heroin is white powder, but owing to the range of substances is cut with, the street heroin can be anything from brownish white to brown

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13y ago

heroin looks like water or some cut up leaves and u can take it by injecting it

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Q: What does a Button of heroin look like?
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How much heroine is a button?

A button of heroin is equal to approximately the size of a dime bag.

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Sooty black on the bottom. Probably crusty in the spoon.

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i have a relative addicted to heroin. their eyes will be very droopy and red. and the eyes will look almost empty while almost rolling into the back of their head. if they cannot seem to keep their eyes open they are most likely on heroin. my thoughts and prayers go out to everyone suffering from this problem and anyone who has someone close dragging them down.

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a $20 bag of heroin is very small. Stay away from Heroin. I was "clinically dead" for 4 mins after an OD. Paramedics put two needles of Adenaline directly into my heart to start it again. Stay alive.

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They look like two dots on top of each other,like this 4:50 am.You press and hold shift.Then you press the second button aside from the button enter and there you have it