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if you mean xoxo at the end of the message it means kisses and hugs

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Q: What does X X Oh mean at the end of a message?
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What does x at the end of a message mean?

It symbolizes a kiss

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What does it mean when people message you an x on Tumblr?

its an HUG

What does x mean at the end of a text or instant message but not just an x one with an open bracket on the left and closed bracket on the right it wont put those in the question?

x is a kiss and xoxo is kisses and hugs

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Adding "lol" at the end of a sentence suggests that the statement is meant to be humorous or lighthearted. It can also indicate that the sender is trying to soften the message or make it less serious.

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(OH)x is hydroxyl or hidroxyde (OH)- or radical .(OH) or an alcoholic group

What does it mean when someone signs a text message or note like this Jennifer X what on earth does the 'X' mean A lot of British girls do this does it mean kiss?

yes the x means kiss my girlfreind is from britian and she puts xx in her txt messages to me all the time

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What I mean by this equation is: x^3-2x^(x-2.5)+x^(x^x)

If a guy that you are friends with starts putting an x at the end of his texts what does that mean?

An x at the end of a text indicates a kiss, and is usually meant to express that he particularly likes you.

What does it mean when someone signs a text message or note like this Jennifer X -- what on earth does the 'X' mean A lot of British girls do this does it mean kiss?

it means a kiss or perhaps love from-it is often used so you shouldn't read too much into it

Does the amount of x's mean anything from a girl you like if it has went to 1 to 2 to 3 and so forth plus she's been more flirty recently?

X's and O's at the end of a message traditionally represent kisses and hugs. If a girl is sending you lots of kisses, and she's been flirty with you, it probably means she likes you.