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Love always and deeply

love forever till death and deeply as in so meaningful that nothing can break it.

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What does it mean when a girl says am deeply in love with you?

It means they are deeply in love with you.

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kyle will always love alexis because in the inside he deeply cares about her.

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It means to adore him.

What is mean a love?

feeling of deep affection to someone or something. Example: he is deeply in love.

What does it mean for a woman to surrender to her man?

I think it means give into love, as in fall deeply in love :)

What does she mean when she says she cares deeply for you?

When she says she deeply cares about you that means that she likes you a lot but is not ready to say "I love you" yet. : - )

Can people love forever?

yes. Even if things don't work, if you ever truly love someone, you will always love them. For me, there have been 2 women who I will always love even though I know what was between us is gone and can never be again.

Does it mean he loves you when he says he cares for you very deeply if its coming from a shy man?

no it does't always mean he likes you ask him about his feelings for you in private and if he asks if you like him first tell him the truth because it doesn't always mean that they love you because i said that to one of my mates and i didn't mean i love them you need to ask him just to make sure hope this helps.

What does Alofa tele ia te oe mean in English?

i love u deeply


it means love always win son (:

What is I'm deeply in love with you in afrikaans?

Obviously, I'm deeply in love with u africans is that ur obviously in love with him.

What does it mean when a guy says he feels trapped?

thismeans that you have trapped the guy into your heart and that he is deeply in love with you.