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It comes in a vile, as a clear liquid- basically like water. It is then sucked into a syringe and then shot back out onto something like a large, CLEAN piece of glass, and then it's left to dry. After it dries, it's scraped off the glass and by then it looks like a fine, white powder..... So depends on what form it's in- it can look like water or powder.... STAY AWAY FROM IT!! It's not a good thing to be getting into. It makes you able to see and understand what's going on, but unable to move or do anything about it if someone were to do something, like take advantage of you. It can easily last for hours at a time and there are few feelings worse than seeing and feeling yourself being taken advantage of, yet not being able to even try to fight them off. It's like an out of body experience of the worst kind.... I do NOT recommend it!

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14y ago

It entirely depends on the form in which you buy it. Back in the day, my friends and I happened upon some liquid ketamine. As we were at the "oh, I'm afraid of needles" stage (as opposed to the post-insufflation "It's more economical and the IV cocaine [and heroin] rush is the best feeling ever" stage), we cooked it up in a spoon and it eventually started popping, resulting in a clumpy white powder, which we then (foolishly, considering it's so much less powerful and less economic) snorted.

Get ready for some insane 2-D visuals (the world, according to my friend, turned into some "Super Mario Brothers s--t", but I digress.

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When Ketamine is taken orally it tastes salty. Not everybody loves this taste though. There are people who love this taste though.

Was Lil mama's mother on drugs?

She was on a lot of ketamine. KETAMINE!

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What is PCP-Heroin?

its a type of anesthetic or like ketamine very strong hallucinogenic , nothing like heroin

What is special k drug?

"Special K" is a slang term for ketamine.

How long does ketamine stays in urine?

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How much ketamine is needed to knock out a shire horse?

Ketamine is a horse tranquilizer. It would take about 150mg of ketamine in order to knock out a shire horse.

Is ketamine a stimulant or depressant?

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Is ketamine used on horses?

Yes, ketamine is used on horses as an anesthetic induction agent.

Pcp and ketamine are both classified as?

PCP (phencyclidine) and ketamine are both dissociative aesthetics.