I love you... from the bottom of my heart/ from the depths of my heart
It is Latin for "From the bottom of the chest (meaning the heart)".
Qormi's motto is 'Altior ab Imo'.
What does high j01 ab
i love selena gomez and i am her number one fan also one directions number one fan me and my friend the notes of the song is... CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AND KEEP ON PLAYING UNTIL THE TUNE CHANGES!
AB 'Banjo' Paterson was a famous Australian poet and writer (1864-1941). The initials AB stand for Andrew BartonPaterson .
This is a bunch of separate Latin quotations strung together, with a couple of typos (amviti for amavit; posta for post):credo quia absurdum est (attributed to Tertullian)- I believe because it is absurdcredite posteri (Horace) - believe, future generationfortiter in re suaviter in modo - strongly in deed, gently in mannersi post fata venit Gloria non propero (Martial)- if glory comes after death, I am not in a hurrycras amet qui nunquam amavit quique amavit cras amet - Tomorrow let him love who has never loved; and who has loved, tomorrow let him loveab pectore - from the heart (literally: breast)
Ab initio, amor erat
from the origin
for the boys who are fooled by pretentious loved ones, to be very careful in choosing their right girl to love because they might not get the love they've expected from them(girl)...
From the beginning.
Nope! "Ab" can mean abdominal (biology), a nickname for Abernathy, or abstract (art).
It depends which Ab you mean, the Ab note above middle C is approximately 415 Hertz.