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Once it starts to kick in you feel really happy and lovey. Your whole body feels amazing.your breathing gets deeper sometimes you get a little shaky...but it all depends on what type of pill you have. A heroin based pill will make you more relaxed..your body will feel AMAZING..rub lotion on your hands...if its a crank based pill you have a lot more energy and feel kinda tweeky your body will still feel hella good and you will still fell happy but you have a lot of energy...a crank based pill would be good for a party where a heroin based pill is good for just chillin

***THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A HEROIN BASED PILL. stop talking about things you obviously have no idea about. Just cause you're 16 and have gone to some raves does not make you an expert on MDMA.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Depending on the type of pill, it can either make you feel really calm and relaxed or make you feel very jittery and excited. One of the main reasons why people take X because the pill hits a "peak" which makes the user feel very good.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Imagine the feeling you get in your penis/vagina when you ejaculate. Now imagine that feeling all around your entire body.

Imagine the soft feeling of silk touching every part of your body, wanting to feel it so much.

Everything in the world feels good...

Skin, fur, even razor blades.

Knives are the best, you can do so many things with them if you're doing X and playing with them. You just love the feeling of cold metal against your body and just want to feel it on the inside, so you want to stab yourself with it. The feeling is incredible when you do so and you would keep stabbing yourself feeling the same orgasmic feeling over and over again until even the blood rushing out of your body is tickling every part of your body. Even your death feels good.

Yeah, Ecstasy is the best, it's the best form of suicide out there! So go on and do it...

Go on...Kill yourself...druggie...

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βˆ™ 15y ago

When you take ecstasy your brain releases all your serotonin levels which gives you the excitement feeling making you sensitive, increases body heat, and makes everything enjoyable but long term effects could be back aching from your solids being drained, depression when your serotonin levels are messed up

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βˆ™ 14y ago

if you have self esteem problems e can mess with your head and all the serotonin is flushed out of your brain and you could change your whole personality but this only last for a week at the most then the person will slowly go back to normal but they might not want to roll again but this isn't typical for someone who rolls it only happens to a few people

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βˆ™ 14y ago

It will give a subject the hallucinated feeling of being "high."

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βˆ™ 15y ago

does this pill its popular in teenagers?

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dont do it ;)

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Thizz/forms of ectasy can be addicting but not always.

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i believe its drugs like cocaine and ectasy

After taking an ectasy pill can i take a xanax to coe down off my high?

No its not very wise to mix other pills with ectasy and not very wise to drank alcohol either but you can smoke marijuana!

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you can consume ectasy by doing to much.

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Illegal drugs...ectasy proabably

What ingredients are in the blue star ectasy pil?

Substances people should not experiment with. :-) Regards.