If you are crushing on someone- it means that you like them- you admire them- whether its personality, looks, sense of humor etc- you see them as more than a friend-
He is dating Lauren Dunman...but that's different from crushing
well, I this boy in my math class is crushing on me but I like someone else. :)
There isn't really any way to 'stop crushing' . If you are attracted to someone, you can't help it.
It is Spanish for crushing
surgical crushing
It depends on whether you have a boyfriend/girlfriend or not. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend and you know you can't love anyone more, then no, you aren't crushing on someone you think is cute. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend but you want this cute guy/girl more, then yes, you are crushing on them. You can't hide your crush from your girlfriend/boyfriend so you have to slowly break-up with them, by slowly starting to hang out with this cute person. If you don't have a boyfriend/girlfriend then yes, you are crushing on them. But don't ask them out or anything if you are crushing on someone else too.
You know when you are crushing on someone when you start to think about them all the time, and you can't get them out of your head. Also, another way is that they give you butterflies and make you want to squeal inside everytime you see them.
It is the crushing/destruction of a stone in the bladder.
it means heskey sat on it
-tripsy means crushing; for instance, lithotripsy means crushing a stone.