A CFC refers to a carbon fluorocarbon, most commonly used in cooling industry. As a propellant and as a solvent. There is much legislation of their used as they pose a danger to the protective ozone layer.
cf means cubic foot in engineering. But when it comes to English, cf means confer, which is actually a Latin word. Confer means consult in English.
CS Means Creative Suite.
cs means cut size
reality is fc Barcelona and it means football club Barcelona or cf club of football of Barcelona
The CS means Clip System, and the 6 at the end means how many darts the magazine can hold. The Raider CS-35, for example, has a drum magazine that can hold 35 darts.
If it's about nerf guns, cs means clip system.
Usually CF means a felony and CM a misdemeanor.
CFC's are stable enough. But when they come in contact with UV, they decompose and deplete ozone.
it means that you have grades that average about Cs
It is exactly what 'near' means: change IP, keep CS
bv cf cf cf cf cf cf cfgrertrgsghsh
it means Commercial Film XD