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Medical: Blood Pressure

Company: Beyond Petroleum formerly known as British Petroleum, but changed in 2000 following the merger with Amoco (formerly Standard Oil of Indiana).

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Q: What does BP stands for?
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What is BP in a French address?

BP stands for Boite Postale. That is a PO box.

What does bp mean on a bank statement?

BP on your bank statment stands for Bill Payment

What does BP abbreviation stand for on your bank statement?

BP stands for Bill Payment - the payment has been transferred from another bank account. BP actually stands for BACS Payment. Which is Bankers' Automated Clearing Services'.

What does ip or bp or ep or usp stands for in a medicine composition?

I know that usp stands for the United States Pharmacopedia but has nothing to do with medicine. bp stands for blood pressure which can be maintained with blood pressure medicine.

What does bp oil stand for?

It stands for British Petroleum.

What is bp in Pokemon Diamond?

BP stands for Battle Points. You gain BP from winning battles at the Battle Tower. (The Battle Tower is in the Fight Area.)

What does Bp stand for in the BP oil spill?

BP stood for British Petroleum, the company responsible for the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010.

What does ip or bp or usp stands for in medicine composition?

IP stands for Indian Pharmacopoeia, BP stands for British Pharmacopoeia, and USP stands for United States Pharmacopeia. These abbreviations indicate the standard set of guidelines and quality standards that pharmaceutical ingredients or products must meet in each region.

What does bp stand for Pokemon Diamond?

In the game Pokémon Diamond the abbreviation of BP stands for battle points. These points are earned throughout the game and awarded daily.

How long ago was 4120 BP referring to historical findings?

BP stands for Before Present, meaning now. So you have to add 2010 to 4120 to arrive at the total of how long ago it was. The answer, 4120 BP is actually 6,130 years ago.

Where can one locate listings for jobs with BP?

BP stands for British Petroleum. There are a few ways a person could located job listings for British Petroleum. One of the best ways is to check the employment listings on the BP website. The career building website called "Indeed" also features BP job listings.

What does DP stand for on south park?

DP stands for double penetration. It is a play on...letters, since it is making fun of BP.