It means a place (namely a dwelling)inside a city's walls
Intra is not french, it's latin for "inside"
Intra means within. Intra United States means within the United States.
Intra means within. Intra United States means within the United States.
Intra-partum means occurring during labor and childbirth.
Intra-partum means occurring during labor and childbirth.
Intra workout is using a workout supplement during workout Pre Intra Post
Intra uterine?
Intra workout is using a workout supplement during workout Pre Intra Post
Intra venous
Intra means within. Intra United States means within the United States.
The prefix intra, which is used to form compound words, means within. It comes from the Latin word intra, which is akin to interior.
Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump