It means you are crazy for them.
It's another way of saying "I'm in love with you" but just a cheesy way
"Mad" in Polish is "szalony".
If you mean the American word "mad", it's zo'em (זועם) If you mean the British word "mad", it's meshuga (משוגע)
If you mean mad as in angry:angryenragediratepeeved, peeved offp*ssed offIf you mean mad as in crazy:beside themselvescrazycuckoodisturbedInsane
Horse stomp there feet when they get tried. This does not mean that your horse is mad at you.
She got mad.
my mad momma meets my mean mad man meaning mad meaning
He could-be mad if your mom was rude to him. He should not be mad at you over this.
mad = many, lame= uncool people
she sometimes it but it dosent mean that she will be mad at her parents forever.
Laughing mad loud
It really depends on the context. If you are referring to mad as in crazy, no it is not the same. But if you mean mad as in furious then yes, it's the same.
mad angry