The meaning of 'Est-ce que tout va bien' is Is everything going o.k.? In the word-by-word translation, the verb 'est' means '[he/she/it] is'. The demonstrative pronoun 'ce' means 'this'. The conjunction 'que' means 'that'. The noun 'tout' means 'all, everything'. The verb 'va' means '[he/she/it] does go, goes, is going'. And the adverb 'bien' means 'fine, well'.
tout VA bien, tout est OK
if everything is fine : " tout VA pour le mieux merci " or " tout VA bien merci "
I hope everything is going well for you
espérant que tout VA bien avec vous
J'espère que ça IRA/ que tout VA bien se passer.
J'espère que tout VA bien (chez vous)
¡Que bien! means: That's great.
"A bientot" means 'see you later' in french
"Está bien que estás haciendo" means "It's okay that you are doing."
que linda: How beautiful bien dicho: well said or something like that
great! or how nice or how great!
Oh, how nice.