Your tonsils used to help digest food that cave men ate but we still have them now. Our tonsils can now keep dust out of our bodies but if your suffering from tonsillitis ill agree tonsils can be a pain.
mr moon is a great guy who is a noble guy who even had his tonsles removed JK he is cool and he has a sweet band called........................................................................ TEN TON SKY
It's possible that you have strep throat. You should get a strep test just in case. Just visit a doctor, and they'll swipe a swab on the back of your throat. If the strep test is negative, then the doc may figure out another illness you may have. There's definitely something up with your throat tho.
I can only think of 1 possible thing to go wrong when you get ur tonsles out. its if maybe they didnt close up the incisions completely so if you cough 1 or 2 days after ur surgery you might cough up blood. but it is very UNCOMMON for tht to happen