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You tell him you are giving him the chance to stop putting you down all the time and you ll give him some time to do that. If he doesn't then dump him! Simple as! I treat my girlfriend as best i can over long distance like a princess. That's how I believe girlfriends should be treated by their boyfriends.

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Q: What do you when your boyfriend constantly puts you down all the time?
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No, but if he is unsatisfied with his relationship with you, he can leave at anytime. It can be considered emotional abuse if he puts you down all the time and makes you feel worthless. If that's the case, then leave him. he isn't worth it.

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It is time for you to grow up and realize that when someone hits you which is considered physical abuse or puts you down that is verbal abuse that is not true love. You need to split up from this boyfriend of yours as your relationship can only get worse as time goes on. You will lose your self respect; self esteem and that of your family and friends. If he is very controlling then either talk to your parents or, go to a Women's Abuse Center and they will help protect you.