I think what makes a family happy is just being with each other. When you are down they are there for you and its always nice to wake up to a smiling face in the mornings knowing that they will love you no matter what forever.
her family and friends.
Do what makes you happy.
What makes you think that?
it makes me feel happy.
I Think that you should talk to your parents and tell them that liking older men makes you happy and i think that they should respect your decision and if they dont they are being good parents and looking out for you all parents do that. and its the same for the rest of your family.
It makes it so that you can live your life happy and you'll always have someone for you. we need love so we can have a family and be happy with it
Think about the times when you are happy, even if they're brief. Think about how you feel then and what makes you feel that way, then go from there.
I think the georgia o' keeffe painting makes me feel happy and touches my heart it makes me feel like its spring which makes me happy and warm.
honey stop for a min your family is your family but your lifr is your to so do what makes you happy P's. talk to me
i don't know. but her family seems happy. at least she does. when she did an interview one time for Sleepwalking she said that her family was nothing like that of her role as Tara in Sleepwalking
I Think I Love You
I think poppy is really pretty. It is really happy and makes me smile.